Sunday, 3 February 2013

Spring Break

I don't know how up to date y'all are on the British university schedule. Or maybe more specifically Leeds Uni. I have a month long spring break. A month. From the middle of March to the middle of April. And I have no clue if I'm supposed to use that entire month to study for my exams that happen a few weeks later or if I really am expected to relax. I'm going with the second option.

The joy of living only twenty minutes from the parents and brother is that I have a lovely travel partner right at my fingertips as well as a wealth of information from two seasoned travellers. Their advice usually goes along the lines of 1) Go somewhere cheap. 2) Go somewhere interesting. And if you do 1 and 2, you're bound to meet interesting people and do interesting things. This usually translates into adventures and lots of travel stories. (Have you heard the one where they were stuck in communist Hungary and Robert had to line up at the grocery store every morning with the hordes in order to get eggs for pregnant Lenore who threw up pretty much everything else? Travel stories people.) Joel and I have a very vague plan at the moment. Go somewhere warm, cheap and non-touristy. Willing to compromise on none of the categories. We're starting to narrow it down somewhat. Maybe Turkey and then ferry over to Greece again? Fly to Spain and then travel down into Morocco? Joel has more money to burn (since he got into med school I feel like this trend isn't going to stop anytime soon) so it's really my budget that's the issue. Any suggestions?


  1. Not sure if you're still looking for suggestions, but I say Morocco all the way if you can make it work! I have several friends who've been there, and all reports have been pretty excellent. Plus I'm dying to go myself, and if you go, there'll be beautiful photos, and I can live vicariously through those for the time being ;)

    1. We did end up choosing Morocco! We're flying into Southern Spain and travelling down the coast for a week before ferrying to Morocco to travel around before flying out of Fez a week later. And we will definitely take lots of pictures and post them for you! I heard you're planning on a year in France perhaps?? Exciting!!

    2. I've absolutely been LOVING all the photos :D Yes I am!! Well, just a semester actually (winter 2014). But still. I'm quite excited, and am definitely hoping to visit your family while there :) Will you still be on the continent, or what are your plans for next year?
