Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sunday Funday

Whoops, sorry for the long break from this blog. I finally finished all my finals this past week and now have a lovely (somewhat) relaxing week before leaving to go travelling again. No more stuffing my brain every day with facts and concepts. I can now read REAL books (The Woman in White and then a birthday book from Joel) and maybe see sunshine. It's a grand new age.

I finished my last exam on the thirtieth (Biology of the Mind), packed up and drove to York the next day. Who knew how much junk I had accumulated in five months? The parents left early the next morning, leaving me in this big house alone to take care of the pets. It's been going pretty well so far. Had a friend come up to visit yesterday (photos to follow), wrote two letters to far away friends and bookmarked places to see in my Lonely Planet. Today I have a few more friends visiting before I have to pack my little backpack again and head out to Poland. I'm travelling with Jill, who I first met at seven, when we both lived in England. We're flying into Krakow, heading down to Budapest and then have no further plans other than our flight back to the UK from Berlin. I'm starting to be really excited to start travelling again. It could have to do with Polish perogies (gah. I've missed them so much) or with warm weather (hello dresses!), whatever it is, I can't wait to get started. 

A raspberry mojito smoothie before my last exam

Carousel ride with Victoria

Restored stained glass at York Minster

Memorial for fallen soldiers in the Minster

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