Friday, 7 June 2013

Excitement and Trepidation


Eastern Europe? Whoohoo!! I've always wanted to go and it's finally happening! All those places I've only read about I'll finally be seeing in real life!! Cheap, cultural and everything is relatively close together. What more could a young girl want?


It is the most whirlwind-y tour of Eastern Europe that I've ever attempted. I'm usually more of a city-a-week sort of girl but this time we're going all out. Won't we get burnt out really quick?

Jill arrived to York safely this week and we've spent the last few days getting to know each other again while exploring York's charity shops and the city in general. The weather has been gorgeous (I have the sunburns to prove it) and the city has been in full tourist mode. Jill and I have spent an inordinate amount of time packing, unpacking and repacking our backpacks in this stuffy hotbox attic. Trying to squish in less and less stuff each time with some success.(Joel, remember how much we packed for Morocco? I've taken LESS this time. Seriously.) We've finally narrowed down our selections and are heading in early to be up to catch our 6:28 train. Yikes. 

Here's our itinerary. We're flying out of Manchester to Krakow for a few nights and then down to Budapest which is our first tricky bit. Apparently there are no buses that travel that route regularly and the train is unbelievably expensive so we're looking into alternative transport means. From there we head to Bratislava. From Bratislava to Salzburg (we watched The Sound of Music tonight in preparation) on to Munich then Prague and finally flying out of Berlin. See what I mean by whirlwind? Maybe it's just me.

1 comment:

  1. Does "alternative transport" mean hitch-hiking? I sure hope so!!! Have a blast you two! I'm super jealous.
