Saturday 2 March 2013

Learning in Leeds

Let's pass on some truth bombs.

The simple things in life are the best. Example. My mom sent over a tablecloth to cover my sticky kitchen table and every time I see it I smile. No more sticky textbooks!

There is ALWAYS a cute boy on the other side of the door.
Example. I forgot that the university was showing my room to future students on Friday morning. Guess who answered the door in her underwear to the university admin? Yepyepyep

Never leave your bag unattended. I left my backpack (with my wallet and notebooks) in the lockers provided while I went into my lab and it disappeared while I was looking at zebrafish embryos. It was a sad day all round.

BUT a fashion magazine will always cheer a girl up. Doubly so if it's in Italian and makes up for her dumbness in French. And it so happens that she had taken it out of said stolen backpack that morning. See? There is always a silver lining.

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